After Shopping at the Burnaby Costco today, I decided to check out Burnaby Lake. There days, I hardly get a chance go there. Boy am I glad I did. I saw a juvenile Bald Eagle. It was just taking a bath when I got there. There was an eagle nest on the south shore of the lake and I think he( or she - I couldn’t tell difference and I wasn’t going to check) is the chick from the nest. He stayed at the lake while his parents have moved on (probably to Brakendale) I any kid, he doesn’t want to move out. I think he has been surviving on the spawning Salmon at the lake. After the bath, he flew over to a tree not to far from a trail. I walked over to the trail to get more pictures. It was so frustrating. The tree was only about 30 ft away, However, just 5 feet away ,between me and the eagle, was 1 silly branch which my auto focus kept wanting to focus on. I still got a few pictures any way. If I also saw the usual (Wood and Mallard Ducks, Teals and Canada Geese etc.) There were also 2 white domestic geese with their wings clipped so they can’t flew. Someone had released them at the lake. Why would would someone to that. They don’t belong there. They probably won’t survive long as they can’t fly out of danger.