I thought I would be talk about where I like to go and photograph birds. (Okay, I like pictures of birds anywhere, but these are my favourite three in Greater Vancouver.)
My third favourite place is The George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary on Westham Island near Delta, B.C. There is a $5 fee to enter but it is well worth it. My friend Martyn and I often go there to photograph the birds. I have seen snow geese in the winter and sandhill cranes in the summer. The "Ready for Take Off" (Red-wing Black Bird) and the “A Choir of One” (Song Sparrow) pictures on this website were taken at George C. Reifel (check them out). It has the greatest variety of birds I have seen in southern B.C. During the pandemic, you prebook a two hour window online for either the morning or the evening. Well worth the effort.
My second favourite location is Burnaby Lake at the sandpit in Burnaby, B.C. It is a great place to both see and feed ducks and other water fowl. It is a fun place to have a duck scavenger hunt from bufflehead to wood ducks. My son really gets a kick out of feeding the ducks there. If you do feed them, please use bird seed. Bread is not good for birds as it fills up their stomachs without much nutrients. I have also seen other birds at Burnaby Lake such as Long-billed Dowitcher, a Green Heron (a rare siting!), and “The Rookie” (Juvenile Eagle Bald Eagle) photo on this website was taken there as well. There is no fee to visit Burnaby Lake Regional Park. Please be sure to maintain the 2 metre distancing.
My number one favourite site is Maplewood Flats in North Vancouver. This is the place I go when I need peace and connection to nature. When I'm there and see all the wildlife and wonderful views, I can't believe I’m still in the middle of a major metropolis. I have seen everything from osprey, eagles, kingfishers, woodpeckers, finches, and many more. My “Small Towie Life” (Spotted Towie) and “Don't Mess With Me" (Cooper's Hawk) photographs were both taken at Maplewood Flats. It is a great place for birding. You never know what might you see.
Thanks for letting me share with you my favourite places around Greater Vancouver for birding and photography. I am sure you know other great places. Where do you go birding? Let me know in the comments.