Marine Mammals of BC
Marine Mammals of BC
"Full Steam Ahead" Biggs Killer Whale outside of Victoria Harbour, BC , Canada
“See You Later in Whale” Humpback Whale at the Mouth of the Fraser River
“Whale Jumping Jacks” Humpback Whales off the Island of Maui, Hawaii
"Proud" California Sea Lion at Mouth of the Fraser River, BC, Canada
"Power Nap" Stellar Sea Lion at Trial Island, BC, Canada
"Is That a Fish I See?" Harbour Seal in Victoria Harbour
“Bad Hair Day” Northern Fur Seal at Vancouver Aquarium
“Kelp on Swimming” Female Sea Otter of the Coast of Ucluelet, BC, Canada Taken Aug 2024
Note: Pictures are 8 by 10 and have been Framed and Autographed by the photographer and come with a backing listing a few fun facts of the animal and location where the picture was taken.